The purported attack on black marketeers, however, seemed designed more to make the reform palatable to the population by tapping their disdain for the nouveau riches of perestroika.
Questions were raised about whether the officer was actually attacked, and Mr. Perry's older brother, Jonah, a sophomore at Cornell University, was acquitted of participating in the purported attack.
He paused, thinking of how Sterol had used Kesrik's purported attack on Cerryl as an excuse to exile Kesrik's trader father.
The purported attack upon you by Frank Carter.
Santodomingo resigned in July 2007 after purported attacks and smears against him, and threats against his son, who was seven years old at the time.
Was the level of force needed to repel the purported attack any different after one shot had been fired, or two?
Dozens of peace protesters are hanged in connection to the purported terrorist attack.
The purported second attack, deemed premeditated by Stern, was at the heart of the commissioner's decision to suspend Sprewell.
Mr. Livingston urged anyone who has knowledge of the purported attack to tell the administration.