The purported goals of the party are "the promotion and maintenance of European Heritage and Culture in Canada."
The widespread discrimination reduces the utility of the voucher program, and frustrates the purported goal of the legislation, which is to end housing segregated by race and income.
The purported goal being to stimulate a flexible and creative approach to filmmaking within imposed budgetary constraints and without the crutch of seasoned oversight.
It is a faith-based organization since its purported goal is to "restore to victims of oppression the things that God intends for them: their lives, their liberty, their dignity, the fruits of their labor."
The purported main goal of workfare is to generate a "net contribution" to society from welfare recipients.
He was apparently also aware of the January, 1914, regulations when he chartered the Komagata Maru, with the purported goal of challenging the continuous journey regulation and opening the door for immigration from India to Canada.
The bill could not achieve its purported goal of reconciliation, he added, because it made no provision for offenders and victims to meet and ask forgiveness.
The producers' purported goal was to discover whether a diverse family could be accepted into a white, conservative, upper-class, Christian neighborhood.
However, some have argued that this should not even be the goal of democracies because the minority could be seriously mistreated under that purported goal.
Because of the straightforward means available to Congress to accomplish its purported goal, this court declines to ascribe to Congress the "surprisingly indirect route" that defendants advance.