Only two primary members of the crew are left, including the gang's purported leader and namesake, a slightly built 17-year-old who called himself D-Mac.
To heighten the drama, they make a videotape of Jimmy posing as Jericho, the purported leader of an underground vigilante ring.
The rebels gave Aushev a video tape made in the school and a note with demands from their purported leader, Shamil Basayev, who was not himself present in Beslan.
Although I'm the purported leader of this madhouse, I don't pretend to any esoteric knowledge.
The head was found in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, during a raid of the suspected hideout of a purported leader of Al Qaeda.
Miss Mungai, a Kenyan, is married to Mr. Hamide, the purported leader.
Clearly, then, American Jews and their purported leaders have no trouble recognizing that supporting Palestinian rights and supporting Israel's existence are not mutually exclusive.
The five, including their purported leader, Miguel Caban, a 35-year-old Bronx resident, were held without bail on drug conspiracy charges.
These purported "leaders" of the "religious right" are talismans, meant to inspire fear even as the public is trained to laugh at them reflexively.
We don't know much beyond the name of the purported leader, Ernst Model.