The purported purpose is to enhance effective travel coupled with the use of dark sleep shades for total occlusion during the intense year long training schedule.
The site's purported main purpose was to provide a search portal for personal injury / disability lawyers based on users location.
Its purported purpose is to neutralize or reduce strong odors from the hands, such as those from handling garlic, onion, durian or fish.
Additionally, the fruit is used for a host of purported medicinal purposes.
Character evidence may be offered, depending on the type of proceeding, party offering, and purported purpose, explained below, in three forms:
The texture, consistency, and purpose of these products varies widely and all have different purported purposes depending on the manufacturer.
This rambling communique seems very strange, even bizarre, when one remembers its purported heinous purpose.
The following table contains procedures performed on domesticated animals that may or may not have a purported therapeutic purpose.
Viewed in this light, the state's purported primary purpose of securing the health of its citizens was equally untenable.
The purported purpose was to "send a message", to leaders of the insurgency, that the Norwegian soldiers would not allow them to continue their offensive.