In a two-part television documentary titled Tracing The Conspiracy, broadcast on 28 June, other detainees spoke of the purported roles they played in the conspiracy.
Both men were indicted on March 22 along with two others, a Muslim and a Croat, for their purported roles at Celebici.
However, this theory has been contested, as Mayo's purported role in the human relations movement has been questioned.
They are cited in the pretrial record because their names, and descriptions of their purported roles, are likely to come out at a trial.
After Tuesday night's game in Glendale, Ariz., Mr. Gretzky said he would not comment on his wife's purported role.
A song titled "The Yellow Rose of Texas" was later written about Emily Morgan's purported role in the battle.
Last February a Federal grand jury in Miami indicted General Noriega for his purported role in the Medellin cocaine ring.
Mrs. Manes's husband, Donald, committed suicide last March as his purported role in New York City's municipal corruption scandal began to come to light.
Chapter 1 looks at fears and myths about violent video games (including their purported role in school shootings) and introduces the research.
In the interview on Monday, the senior intelligence official was asked for further details about the purported Iranian role.