The caption for the photograph purportedly showing the arrest of the smugglers did not indicate in any way that the picture had been posed.
The group achieved international notoriety in 2007 when a video appeared on the internet purportedly showing members decapitating one immigrant and shooting another.
The film purportedly shows an object, commonly thought to be a boat, moving in the Scottish lake.
It purportedly shows that all stages of sleep were included.
It purportedly showed that the Bush administration had already decided on the US invasion of Iraq at that point.
A China Times poll purportedly showed that only 19% of the surveyed persons believe that there had been a sufficiently thorough investigation.
Males also purportedly show a more conspicuous pattern of transverse streaks on their dorsal side.
They concluded that some photographs, including one last month purportedly showing three surviving American prisoners, were fraudulent.
A rare photograph taken in 1994 purportedly shows the curly-haired youth standing outside the school.
A secret memo of this meeting purportedly showed that the Bush administration had already decided on the invasion of Iraq at that point.