In Emsdetten there are currently more than 250 people employed for the purpose of fabrication, product development and administration.
A Judge-Advocate was appointed for the purpose of civil administration.
For the purposes of civil administration before the invasion, Greece was divided into 37 prefectures.
Later, the Amtshaus, built in 1660, served the purpose of administration.
The Posts are grouped together into a state level organization known as a Department for the purposes of coordination and administration.
The purpose of educational administration is to provide and maintain all of the conditions necessary for education.
And altho' these duties are in part repeal'd, there remains enough to answer the purpose of administration, which was to fix the precedent.
Today they are used chiefly for purposes of local administration and electoral constituency.
The reactions occur when two or more drugs are mixed outside the body of the organism for the purpose of joint administration.
The organisation is divided into eight Regions for purposes of both administration and management.