This meant it could not be the "general purpose" vehicle the Army had hoped for, and production was halted after the original contract expired.
Many approaches and models exist including sharing contracts, establishing joint ventures or special purpose vehicles.
It was built in several variants and was the basis for a number of special purpose vehicles.
The structure of the plan involves the Fed setting up four special purpose vehicles that will purchase the assets.
It was a small, general purpose vehicle, the controls protected by a transparent canopy, the body open to the sky.
Some historians say the term evolved from G.P., for general purpose vehicle.
He was instrumental in the acquisition of the 1/4 ton general purpose vehicle, the famous Jeep.
These were exceptions for armoured, fire brigade, rescue and other special purpose vehicles.
He declined to elaborate on likely investments, saying that mining operations will be carried out through special purpose vehicles.
Beginning in 1976, Hadonghwan produced a variety of special purpose vehicles.