Redeveloping the ground was too costly so the club decided to move to the purpose-built all-seater stadium on the outskirts of the city.
"The Woodchop" is one of the most popular demonstrations and competitions, taking place in a purpose-built stadium.
This trend continued after teams started moving back into purpose-built stadiums in the 1990s.
Franklin's Gardens is a purpose-built rugby stadium near the town centre.
The soccer complex consists of a purpose-built main stadium, two lighted practice fields, and four additional fields.
CIT's athletics track is now one of the finest in the country, and also enjoys its own purpose-built stadium.
In 1999 the club announced proposals for a purpose-built stadium at Toll Bar.
In 1997 Salisbury City moved to a purpose-built stadium at Old Sarum, named after the then chairman.
The latter season coincided with a move to their present home, the purpose-built stadium at Surrey Docks.
Al-Shahaniya is a good place to see camels roaming around the desert and camels racing in a purpose-built stadium.