She had a very purposeful, no-nonsense walk, Banks noticed.
He has the purposeful walk of a man in a hurry, a candidate's smile and handshake, and a knack for making small talk.
Presently they let their horses drop back to a steady, purposeful walk.
And he was off at a purposeful walk, but not immediately towards the guest hall.
"Perhaps, but after witnessing your purposeful walk to the stockyards, I concluded you had no need to subsist exclusively on human blood."
And now, in the morning light, amid the busy square, a figure suddenly pushed through the gathered crowd and began a purposeful walk toward her father.
From his purposeful walk Serena concluded that he had already forgotten her.
I recognised his quick, purposeful walk despite the officer's uniform he wore.
It's just like anything else in life-a purposeful walk gets you inside.
Marinta settled into a purposeful walk, lowered her head as if she were nothing more than a novice.