The purse contained $150 and personal items, the police said.
There could be no doubt in his mind, from the weight alone, as to what the purses contained.
In addition to the $800, her purse contained credit cards and a prayer book, he said.
The purse I clutched in my hands contained exactly seven cents.
On the table is a purse, containing twenty forms of silver.
The man obeyed, and placed in my brother's hands a purse containing five hundred pieces of gold.
The young mother's purse contained only eleven dollars and forty-two cents.
On leaving the field, Mickey found a purse containing four pounds, a pension book and a set of house keys.
While cleaning out the car he found a purse containing a Belgian woman's passport and $10,042 in cash.
A woman with short hair and a fancy purse containing $33.50 would have the 3rd and final clue.