In 1954, the power block was trialled by American purse seiners in the Pacific.
Over the next two days I went up and down the creek like a purse seiner.
During the fishing season, many purse seiners operate just off the beach in the Hansville area.
Boats equipped with purse seines are called purse seiners.
Danish seiner vessels are usually larger than purse seiners, though they are often accompanied by a smaller vessel.
This agreement covers all fisheries in the high seas of the regulated area, including trawlers, purse seiners, longliners, and gill netters.
The fishing seasons for all years are reduced, in particular, for purse seiners, which account for the bulk of this fishery.
Twenty-eight purse seiners and 12 surface long-liners will be authorised to fish in the region.
A purse seiner is a fishing vessel which uses a traditional method of catching tuna and other school fish species.
This is how matters stood until the arrival of the "foreign" purse seiners on our coast.