The field anthropologist is thus in some respects a kind of cross-cultural private eye, relentlessly pursuing clues to lay bare the soul of his foreign hosts.
Pursuing clues hidden in Grace's library and the Franklin Institute, Dan and Amy discover that Benjamin Franklin has hidden a clue in Paris.
In recent months, the Fed has been criticized by Congressional investigators and others for failing to vigorously pursue clues and tips that B.C.C.I. had owned First American since 1982.
Ever since, Ms. Schelly, a 42-year-old physical education teacher from Spokane, Wash., has been exhausting her savings, and her wits, as she has pursued clues to Mr. Hutchings' fate.
Scientists are pursuing clues that factors like infectious agents might also be culprits.
It comes when some in Congress are criticizing the Federal Bureau of Investigation for what they say was a failure to pursue clues in the weeks before last September's attacks.
By pursuing genomic clues, we will be able to figure out interactions and maybe delay the onsets of these conditions.
Dave Holloway returned to Aruba on June 14 to pursue possible new clues.
Despite her being an obvious suspect, the LAPD failed to pursue clues indicating she was the killer.
At the F.B.I., a few agents pursued clues that would later prove tantalizingly close to the mark, but they could not draw attention from top counterterrorism officials.