The Libyan seems to fear that if he hands over the agents, investigators will pursue evidence up the Libyan chain of command, the officials said.
The investigators are pursuing additional evidence that might be included in the sweeping antitrust case against Microsoft filed by the Justice Department and 20 states.
Mr. Bush vowed to pursue evidence of those weapons, which has been scant, "no matter how long it takes."
Since that time I have been pursuing forensic evidence pertaining to these biker crimes.
District Attorney Vic Feazell, whose office had been instrumental in continuing to pursue new evidence in the case, would manage the prosecution against the accused.
The article claimed the Metropolitan Police Service "failed to follow-up on clear leads" and "declined to pursue other evidence of criminality by others."
I will continue to pursue such evidence as I can find.
The Committee's findings, released in February 2010, were critical of the police for not pursuing "evidence that merited a wider investigation."
For years scientists have pursued evidence that aspirin-like drugs may help control the occurrence of polyps in people at risk of colon cancer.
But an outside investigator is needed to pursue evidence of criminality in carrying out that policy, including hiding information from Congress.