Medical school graduates, facing higher educational costs, are pursuing more lucrative positions in other areas of health care.
It consist of people of the Kuteb tribe, through multy-ethnic ministry is being pursued in other areas.
Such successes gave the guild confidence to pursue representation in other areas:
K.L won numerous music awards until its unofficial end in 2002, when all of the members pursued solo careers in different areas of entertainment.
In addition, population left the region to pursue better opportunities in other areas of the United States.
Ankara has been pressing for approval to pursue its own military agenda in Kurdish areas of Iraq.
That outsider, Hellman & Friedman, recently began actively to pursue buyouts in the media and related areas.
Engineers also often transfer on and off of long-term projects to prevent 'burn-out', this allows them to pursue interests in other areas.
She confirmed this on 27 November, saying she would pursue her career in other areas of television.