His career counselor noticed a pattern of legal work through his union activities and suggested that he pursue internships in that field.
The C-4 program allows students to specialize in a career area and pursue internships within the community.
Working with faculty advisers and mentors from outside the school, students in the Wise program pursue internships or individual projects.
Rutgers students often take the winter study term to pursue internships or work on intensive research projects.
Juniors and Seniors pursue internships outside of Salem where they can gain first hand knowledge of topics and careers of interest.
Then she started pursuing internships in field biology, mainly on predators.
That means the 158 seniors are exempt from classes during the final quarter of the academic year, pursuing internships full time.
While juniors can continue to pursue individual projects or internships, the focus for seniors is on a group experience.
The philosophy guiding this schedule is the belief that students benefit from having an opportunity to pursue special interests, projects, internships, and time with their families.
The career services staff-all former journalists with industry connections in print, broadcast, and online media-work with students to help them pursue jobs and internships.