This attitude pushed Congress last fall into overhauling the nation's immigration laws.
His action pushed Congress the next year to permit combinations of insurance, commercial banking and investment banking that the financial services industry had long sought.
So there are strong lobbying pressures that are pushing Congress in the direction away from what most people feel is healthy patent legislation.
Mrs. Johnson had one major cause during the Johnson presidency, highway beautification, and her husband pushed Congress into passing legislation to further the program.
Mr. Fox has said he will push Congress in the coming year to open up the electricity and natural-gas markets.
The war could conceivably push Congress into demanding more from the Administration.
The Amish have upset opponents of child labor by pushing Congress for an exemption based largely on religious grounds.
Early October, Congress members, such as John Adams, and colonial governments pushed Congress in creating a navy, however small.
The Bush administration pushed Congress today for a broad vote to authorize the president to use force against Iraq.
Why isn't he using that same power to push Congress into backing the foreign-aid promises he's been making to help the desperately poor?