Pushing Daisies director Bryan Fuller said Amélie is his favorite film.
Stewart appeared in second season episodes of the ABC series Pushing Daisies and Castle.
From 2007 to 2009, Chenoweth played Olive Snook in the television series Pushing Daisies.
He is best known to date for his series-regular role playing Young Ned on the dramedy Pushing Daisies.
He recently had a recurring role as the coroner on the TV series Pushing Daisies.
In 2009, he also appeared in Pushing Daisies, Chuck and Castle.
Ned is the protagonist from the 2007-9 ABC television series Pushing Daisies.
Seabird's songs were recently heard on Pushing Daisies, Numb3rs, and Grey's Anatomy.
At the moment, "Pushing Daisies" isn't in any danger of cancellation.
"Pushing Daisies" is as peculiar a creation as you're going to see this year.