It warned Damascus that pushing Israel too far would risk military humiliation.
He had long favored the Lavi, partly as a vehicle for pushing Israel to new technological advances.
But the White House can do much more to push Israel.
He had hardly moved his eyes when Hamarik pushed Israel in front of him and came into the open, turning left.
Hamarik gave a litlle curse, pushed Israel around, trying to get his body between himself and Nikki.
The United States can empower his rivals by pushing Israel.
The time to do that is when Palestinians stop their campaign of terror and abandon the dream of pushing Israel into the sea.
Nor is President-elect Bush likely to push Israel into an international conference where all the cards are stacked against it.
But a shift of "some kilometers," he said, would push Israel off the high ground it needs for its security.
"The Administration is being careful not to push Israel for things they couldn't agree to, like a pledge never to retaliate," a senior official said.