Dawn brought slanted sunlight and blue sky, but a light breeze pushed clouds through the valley, indicating unpredictable conditions ahead.
From the northeast, trade winds blew constantly, pushing ahead of them low clouds pregnant with sweet water.
There was a break in the rain but the wind was still rowdy, pushing low purple clouds quickly overhead, their bellies lit by the vast spectrum of city lights.
They learned that the atmosphere is mostly poisonous carbon dioxide and that fierce winds push yellow clouds of acid across the planet surface.
Chunks of the ceiling fell between her and T'Pau, pushing new clouds of dust into the cave's already choked air.
The wind was from the north, cool through the sunshine, and was pushing clouds along so their shadows drifted over the hills.
At 7:22 A.M., by the watch of Toshimitsu Kuroiwa, the sun rose, then pushed past puffy clouds, out over the horizon from the easternmost point of the metropolitan area, Montauk, L.I.
The arrival of a cold front, for instance, or a shift in winds that pushes cool air and clouds from the ocean onto the land, causes temperature changes of many degrees, not just 1 or 2.
Abraham responds that wind pushes clouds.
A cool breeze swept across the water, pushing low clouds past the smiling moon.