It was as if something massive pushed from the other side.
With his free hand, he gently pushed her hair back from the right side of her neck.
And deep within him, in the hidden recesses, he felt the brick wall tremble, as if something were pushing against it from the dark side.
The displacer next moves downward, pushing the air from the hot side into the cool side of the cylinder.
A schoolfriend helped the youngster back to his feet and used a drinking straw to push the live wire from the side of the bridge.
Pushing back from the other side is the private mortgage industry, which would like to crimp the two companies' rapid growth.
Another man was pushing her from the side and here came another car--black.
First of all, what can we do to influence Russia and to push for ratification from the Russian side?
They are extremely good at it and one will never be able to beat them by trying to push them from the left side.
"Maybe if most pulled and a few of you and I pushed from the other side we could upset it."