But the law, others say, pushes growth into places with no shortage of inexpensive housing.
You don't want to push growth at a time when plants are going dormant just to stay alive.
But lately some economists have started wondering whether last year's higher productivity might be pushing potential growth closer to 3 percent.
But the areas around New York have been built up for so long, there is not a lot of opportunity to push growth out.
Economists said the recovery in exports was probably not enough to push growth up to the government's goal of 5 percent.
Otherwise, they'd push fleshy new growth that couldn't be supported outside of a greenhouse.
Highway 130 is pushing growth at an aggressive level.
"It will push growth back to the center," she said.
"Demographics aren't pushing economic growth in this region the way they are nationally," he said.
They predicted that low interest rates and an export boom would push growth to a respectable 3 percent in the second half.