Over a three-hour period, Morgan pushed forward a total of eight separate attacks, with each one being repulsed, including the flanking column.
Carl slowly becomes obsessed with getting Chas back and starts pushing everyone away, including Jimmy.
Despite limping slightly, Ewing pushed himself to a 20-point, 17-rebound performance, including a season-high 15 defensive rebounds.
But she had to keep everyone pushing hard right now, including herself.
But budget considerations pushed many elementary foreign-language programs, including one in Greenwich, back out of curriculums.
We continue to push for them on several fronts, including the bargaining table.
There, he pushed through painful cutbacks, including the closing of six factories and the cutting of 26,000 jobs.
He was able to push many initiatives through to fruition, including the Bush administration's third major tax cut and legislation that was against partial-birth abortion.
They will use any high media event or high impact news story to push their wares including the sickness and misery of others.