The guide-bug stirred, pushed insistently at the door beside Underhill.
There were those who insistently pushed Goodman forward despite his reluctance to challenge the commercial precepts of the day.
After a minute's hesitation, he moved their hands southward to cover the raised ridge of hard flesh that pushed insistently against his fly.
The busy noise of Soho pushed insistently at the shade-drawn windows.
He pushed insistently for fast, drastic actions to counter the imminent threat of Northern retaliation.
Just now the name Nahoo Inn pushed insistently at his mind, urging him to action.
His manhood had grown again, and pushed insistently against the restraints of the drawstring closure.
Solid footing was hard to find, the fast current pushing insistently at the back of her knees.
But Foster insistently pushed the weapon back into his leader's hands.