This journey begins each October as the northern ice pushes southward.
From the freeway you can see only how distant the desert edge has become, pushed southward or northward by one housing or retirement development after another.
As Union forces pushed southward, they destroyed significant portions of the Confederate agriculture base.
With the atmosphere' s oxygen content far too high, and drought conditions taking hold, forest fires exploded everywhere, even as the ice pushed southward.
As the Yamato pushed southward, the Kumaso people were either assimilated or exterminated.
Low pressure developed in the southern Plains on Monday the 12th as a cold front pushed southward across the Northeast.
Valdivia pushed southward and divided the land and the local inhabitants among his followers, putting the natives to work in the mines.
So the Argus pushed steadily southward, with consistently fair weather.
As military forces were engaged in consolidating their hold on the capital, the rebels were able to push southward with little opposition.
Cold air pushed southward in the storm's wake and temperatures yesterday morning were only in the teens in the South.