But the people pushing strollers on the wrong side of the trail around a blind curve were female.
During the day you'll see the older residents of the neighborhood and also the young moms pushing strollers.
While the officers stood their ground, many of the marchers, including women pushing strollers, ran for cover.
So, too, were parents pushing strollers, school children on bikes and old people out for air.
The streets were deserted, except for a few hipsters pushing strollers.
One afternoon this week, several mothers, pushing strollers, toured the exhibition.
They are more likely to be elderly people, she says, but do include young mothers pushing strollers.
I saw plenty of people who just seemed to be taking a walk, including two women pushing strollers.
Mothers push strollers, stopping to chat with friends on street corners.
Young mothers pushed strollers up and down the street.