The news of the attack pushed oil prices up by 2 dollars.
One buy program pushed the market up by 3.15 points.
Rising pension and health care bills pushed up benefit costs by 30 percent from 1998 to 2003, the study found.
That pushed up costs by 33 percent and led the pension fund to take over.
I'll go ahead and push the age up by another decade.
That helped push the Dow up by 16.53 points, to 2,771.09.
News of the fighting pushed the dollar up by nearly a yen.
Even so, advance word of the idea helped push up oil prices by $2.46 a barrel on Tuesday to $55.04.
Then, if the forecasts are correct, the deal will push earnings up by just 10 to 15 percent.
Maggie pushed herself up by stages until she could see the speaker.