These fighters kept being pushed westward by the Germans, as the front approached from the east.
At dawn the host broke camp and pushed westward through the mountains.
With the expansion of Wessex, the boundary was gradually pushed westward, see below.
On the third day of the offensive, the Soviets broke through German lines and pushed westward.
Repair crews had been pushing westward from San Antonio also, and the going actually became easier.
Areas that were once fields were turned into housing for these young families, and Dubuque began pushing westward.
They settled first on Leech Lake and gradually pushed westward from that point.
With its partner, Anadarko, a smaller company based in Oklahoma, it has been pushing westward.
America had always had a tendency to push westward, often spilling across even well-defined borders.
As New York's manifest destiny pushes westward, the city folk are typically charming.