The ugly duckling became the swan despite, we are told, the formidable hurdles of a pushy mother and a jealous sister.
Other friends later speculated that she did not want to go out with someone chosen for her by her pushy mother.
Mrs. Feehan does not consider herself a pushy mother.
Garland claimed that her pushy mother took "great delight in telling rooms full of people" about these attempts to prevent the child from being born.
Really, honestly, swear to whatever god, I wasn't a pushy mother.
My pushy mother stuck to us like a wart and we were rarely out of her sight.
The two pushy mothers are forced to let go and allow their daughters to be who they are.
For Danielle, who had natural ability and a rather pushy mother, a concert career fizzled out because she didn't work at it.
In the television series, he had a brief mock engagement with Nani to placate his pushy visiting mother.
But aren't some of the cliches true - the pushy mothers for instance?