Though sheer number doesn't guarantee an Apple win, the maneuver definitely puts Apple at an advantage, especially if the dispute is settled out of court.
Does ARC put Apple back on an even footing with its competitors when it comes to programming language abstraction?
That could put Apple at a competitive disadvantage if it hopes to hold on to its spot at the top of the smartphone market.
In today's legal world, that unfortunately puts Apple on the solid ground.
Is there something I'm missing, or does Apple just not really put any kind of premium on secure passwords?
These will put Apple in competition with companies like Radius Inc., which supply special monitors for the Macintosh.
MacDefender just put Apple into a corner.
These changed the music industry, and put Apple on a growth path.
The chip made its debut in the PowerMac 6100 to good reviews, and it put Apple in the performance lead over its x86 competition.
Thanks for the laugh from putting "Apple reaches saturation" in the same sentence as "China."