You were put aboard a ship destined for Yellowstone.
Then just lie quietly and sleep until I return-I hope with enough money to put us aboard a ship.
So they put him aboard a ship, the same ship that carried messages enough to be their own death warrants if discovered.
Queen Sollace had been put aboard a ship and exiled to Benwick in Armorica.
"Look here," he said, "I'm not going to feel right about the old M-four coming apart like that until 1 manage to put you aboard a good ship."
Is this the first time you've put clients aboard a ship that's too small and too crowded?
Six weeks later, Kate put Tony aboard a ship.
You put families aboard a ship, maybe there won't be so many divorces, separations.
A night with the dice would put him aboard a ship in the morning with a full purse.
The five were put aboard a ship with all their belongings and sent back to Italy, disgraced, discharged and stripped of every entitlement from land to booty.