The Red Cross put dozens of volunteers on standby to go into regions affected by the storm, and open shelters.
It helped, of course, that his mukhabarat (secret police) put dozens of Arab news editors, writers and artists on the payroll.
Through the years, paralysis has put dozens, if not hundreds, of other college and high- school football players in a wheelchair.
The idea was to put dozens of toilets on the street.
They could have tapped into our sockets and found out everything we knew, which might put dozens of people in Square Miles who would otherwise be free.
But it is the potential chemical versatility of fullerenes that has put dozens of major laboratories to work.
This was put there today, dozens of people coming and going.
They put dozens of PPSh-41s on some of their planes.
Gap says the catalog better showcases merchandise by putting dozens of product images into the hands of consumers.