Can they put Hellfire missiles on them?
Furthermore they want to put missiles in East Europe, albeit Russia and China disagree with it.
An Administration official said the proposal to put missiles on West German planes was among several ideas under discussion by alliance military experts.
"We spotted them putting missiles onto launchers, which they haven't done before," he told a meeting of reporters, according to wire reports.
He added that stability would be improved if the Russians put land-based missiles "in other modes than silos."
Moscow objects, saying the whole purpose of putting missiles on trucks is to make them difficult for an adversary to find.
"The other day they started putting missiles on their launchers, which they had not done before," General Shalikashvili said.
He got the frightened masses, To put missiles in the skies.
They put missiles out there.
"They are putting missiles right in the harbor where the oil goes out."