In medicine, 'application' means putting some drug or ointment usually on the skin where it is absorbed into the human body.
She put ointment on her eyes, passed it to Patrick.
Frank says: "We're putting ointment on our own souls by doing this."
Example: A person puts ointment on a bug bite to soothe an itch.
She put ointment on her cuts and scrapes.
"I'll put ointment on after we talk to whoever's in charge."
But with a little preparation, you can comfortably and easily put drops or ointment in your eyes or someone else's.
Don't put antibiotic ointment on the burn.
They call Ted for toothbrushes, at which point he arrives and attempts unsuccessfully to put them to bed by putting ointment on their eyelids.
He'd put antibiotic ointment all over it as if he were protecting a baby from diaper rash.