That has put pressure on other banks to settle.
The cheaper "dollar swaps" facility may anyway be barely used, given the stigma that it puts on banks desperate enough to use it.
The implication that it could be longer puts pressure on banks to agree on easier payment terms.
The Administration put pressure on banks to reach an agreement with Mexico but had a less central role in the Venezuela talks.
The reason is that American courts have in some cases put pressure on banks operating in the United States to provide information on certain foreign accounts.
"If the euro continues to appreciate, it puts a lot of pressure on banks."
The government may have to set up a complete system for the same or would have to put this responsibility on Post office, banks or such other institutions.
This loss of currency value has put pressure on banks in Iceland, which are largely dependent on foreign debt.
The Government put pressure on banks to stop lending for land deals, a ban that was eased several months ago.
They speculated that nervous people and businesses would hoard cash, putting a severe strain on banks and driving up borrowing costs for anyone needing credit.