Finally, a small company would not be putting a wide array of other product lines or manufacturing operations at risk in case of a suit.
The new owners might well care only about the shaving products and put such lesser operations as Waterman up for auction.
"How do you know Sarah might be putting operations at risk?"
He said the commission's probe put "certain classified and potentially damaging operations in danger of being exposed."
"How could foreign companies put people or operations there?"
Political tensions between the two allowed some people who wanted to put operations in McGuire a reason to do that.
American corporations have been putting operations in foreign countries for many years.
It will still obey command functions only from us, but we can put everyday operations in some other hands now, namely yours.
But he also laughs at reporters' persistence at asking impossible questions that could put military operations at risk.
Many companies are also putting operations abroad to take advantage of low wages for skilled labor.