The old woman's placard read, "Put science back in education."
Perhaps, simply, he regretted how he had always put science first, even over those who loved him.
This list is an incomplete ode to those people who put science ahead of their own health.
Kenniscafé: a program that puts science (and scientists) on the spot.
Mr. Pena said the group, which had managed the lab since it opened in 1947, put science ahead of safety.
It was written with the highest end,- to put science and the soul, long estranged from each other, at one again.
He puts forward science as the best hope we have in understanding the mind.
It was an end, he said, to a laboratory culture that put science before safety and regarded critics as opponents to be discredited.
"They'll help put a bit more science in political science."
"That is really very pretty, and puts science in quite a delightful light."