And is it so unreasonable for the West to try to make sure that its millions will be put to productive purposes in a market economy?
Hasn't architecture always been put to such purposes by the rich and powerful?
Or devices are put to purposes beyond their original design.
The Jesuits also cultivated science and art, and tried to put them to religious purposes.
The use of that water resides in the man who first took it onto his land and put it to practical purposes.
If it was, it could easily be put to criminal purposes.
Of course, the revenue it generates can be put to good purposes, and I have no problem with that, but I'm not against globalization.
Men like you grab hold of a worthy cause and put it to unworthy purposes.
"Money in Capitol Hill is not being put to evil purposes," he said.
Most brochs are incomplete and in ruins, the stones having been put to other purposes.