But industry insiders put Germany anywhere from eight months to five years behind the United States in E-commerce development.
A rough estimate puts the age of this temple to 1700 years.
The liberation put an end to twenty years of fascist dictatorship and five years of war.
This put an end to almost 130 years of cargo shipping operations in eastern Darling Harbour.
That budget put a decisive end to nearly three years of unremittingly dismal fiscal developments in the city.
Contractors put the figure close to two years; those in the industry say 10 to 15 years.
"It puts an end to 40 years of cold-war restrictions on trade and comerce."
Pierce Dunn thought surgery had put an end to nearly 15 years of back pain.
The three main parties must agree a deal that will put an end to 60 years of political failure, argues Andrew Dilnot.
But I put the time scale on that anywhere from zero to fifteen years from now.