He was one of the hardworking members of the LegCo, putting forward many suggestions to the government in his short term as a member.
The second preference in the advice put to the government was to deploy a squadron of four to eight F-111Cs, though Defence did not support this.
The Tiananmen Mothers group, which was conducted without official approval, put forward a five point demand to the Chinese government in relation to the protest:
D'Annunzio called upon young Italians to seek fulfillment in violent action and put an end to the politically maneuvering parliamentary government.
Angry at his situation he concoted a plan to hijack an Italian plane and put forth his demands straight to the Italian government.
Jubal shrugged- "That question should be put to the government, not me.
He suggested that the Soviet government put its questions to the Polish government.
Tonti put his proposal to the French royal government, but after consideration it was rejected by the Parlement de Paris.
The role of the international community should be to put positive pressure to the king, to the Maoists, to the government, but that is not happening.
This Act 172 puts the primary physical planning responsibility at local level to the local government.