They put Virginia (and nine other ex-Confederate states) under military rule.
Achebe left Nigeria to teach when the country was put under military rule.
They closed down the state's civilian government and put Virginia (and nine other ex-Confederate states) under military rule.
In other words, war was waged to put lands under Muslim rule, but the subjects were theoretically free to continue practice whatever religion they chose.
Satsuma put Amami under direct rule to increase tax revenue.
After winning large majorities in the 1866 elections, the Republicans put the South under military rule.
He was put in charge of a roundtrip voyage to the Philippines, then under Spanish rule, in 1813-1814.
They established a base at Haddington and put much of southern Scotland under military rule.
If no resistance was met, the residents could stay put, under military rule.
Local self-government was ended and the colony put under military rule.