By the 1820's, the West Village was a quaint reminder of the city's past.
For many UConn students, the auditorium, if seen at all, is seen as a quaint reminder of the university's roots as an agricultural college.
By the mid-1950's, the occasional one that had survived was regarded as a curio, a quaint reminder of a bygone age.
The ads for heart-shaped tubs on Motel Strip are quaint reminders of the old days, when the "No" in the vacancy signs were always lit.
Paper airline tickets are quaint but occasionally annoying reminders of a time when computers didn't control all aspects of travel.
For years, these words and images seemed quaint reminders of difficult times.
THE squabble that dominated last week's union convention in Chicago might have seemed like a quaint reminder of a time when big labor really mattered.
Early reports about this space have waxed historical about how the room used to be a horse stable - a quaint reminder of Manhattan's distant past.
In a quaint reminder of greasepaint history, the curtain and the scenery are controlled by sandbags.
On the one hand, he was a quaint reminder of a bygone Jewish era.