It's a quirk, a quaint tradition in some of the less sophisticated townships.
Menzies smiled, already feeling a nostalgia for the old pile and its quaint traditions.
The massive retaining walls surrounding the complex were but a quaint architectural tradition, I was informed.
Of fox hunting's many quaint traditions and locutions, perhaps the "stirrup cup," a tiny glass of sherry offered at the start, is the most useful.
Christopher Collier, the state historian, said the May elections had value beyond a quaint tradition.
They call it a quaint tradition.
They described, or invented, quaint regional traditions.
So we have Kalyani Devi's husband and all her brothers-in-law staying in with their wives as per their quaint tradition.
A quaint pre-war tradition at Lord's was 'the monarch's wicket'.
I uttered a one word critique of Mr. Sharp, his "quaint traditions", and his lack of an index.