He qualified his view, however, by saying that money should be lent to people in dire need without hope of interest.
Arena qualified his estimate of the players' fitness, however, by saying that he would await final word from the team doctor and trainers.
But executives of those companies are qualifying the statistics by saying that the news is not all that bad.
He did, however, go on to qualify this by saying that an individual IP address could not identify a named person all of the time.
Wright qualified this statement by saying that courts can never create a contract where there is none.
But the Government almost immediately qualified its position by saying it would be "keeping the option open" on nuclear weapons.
Except that I qualified my statement by saying he ndght be.
But she qualified this by saying her children would make the final choice.
I tried to qualify it by saying it's my opinion and not a medical one.
I don't understand why you you qualify your choice of Community by saying it is "purely subjective."