Do conservationists introduce bias when they support policies using qualitative description, such as habitat degradation, or healthy ecosystems?
These are qualitative descriptions, and thus subjective.
This makes the Hindmarsh-Rose model relatively simple and provides a good qualitative description of the many different patterns that are observed empirically.
General-audience reporting often relies on qualitative descriptions rather than quantitative ones - which makes it harder to grasp this important distinction.
As these metrics are percentages, they are intended to give a qualitative description to supplement the quantitative h-index.
This qualitative description highlights the characteristics that make the theta model a parabolic bursting model.
Ethnography refers to the holistic, qualitative description of human social phenomena, based on fieldwork.
Most online rating facilities also provide few or no qualitative descriptions of the rating categories, although again there are exceptions such as Yahoo!
The emphasis is on characterization through qualitative description.
Studies of the offshore islands have been limited to species lists and qualitative descriptions of the vegetation.