The qualitative nature of this publication is characterized by the fact that even the extras will be presented in high-definition.
While chronos is quantitative, kairos has a qualitative nature.
What any of these things is like in itself, even the qualitative nature of the spatial medium of the relations, remains unknown.
This simplification does not in any way affect the qualitative nature of the results.
It is also true that studies of this kind tend only to highlight differences without revealing the qualitative nature of the differences.
This may sound overstated, and, certainly detailed social psychological investigation, probably of a qualitative nature, is necessary to sustain the point.
A disadvantage is the broad, qualitative nature of the data output, which must be interpreted with the above caveats in mind.
Thus the qualitative nature of the expansion was to an important extent controlled and was never a merely neutral extension.
The first one is of an environmental, social and qualitative nature.
But there can be no doubt about the qualitative nature of the trajectory change.