These qualities have always characterized our top graduates.
These qualities have always characterized Mayne's work.
A certain raw quality characterizes the work of the five sculptors (four from New Jersey, one from Long Island).
These same qualities characterized his performance of the Third Piano Concerto in C Minor.
The qualities of pure, zealous inquisitiveness that marked his original reporting from the region characterize his book as well.
What qualities of Hillary Clinton's personality would characterize her presidency?
The central point is that Descartes conducts his philosophising alone and immobile in his study, arguing as though that frozen quality characterised all language use.
These fabulous, astounding qualities characterize the moral elite of this generation.
A loose, engaging comic-strip quality characterizes some of his small pen-and-ink sketches of local places.
Edaphic qualities may characterize the soil itself, including drainage, texture, or chemical properties such as pH.