However, the quality of the edible tubers degrades unless the plants are dug up and replanted in fertile soil.
Audio quality degrades significantly after multiple instances of lossy compression.
"The general quality of all these kinds of places has degraded."
Yes, newer televisions allow for a relatively easy connection from the computer, but the quality of the picture degrades in the transfer.
The French term tailles or "cut" refers to the point during pressing when the quality of the grape juices degrades.
Over time, the optical density, color balance, lustre, and other qualities of a print will degrade.
The quality of articles and stories had also degraded drastically .
The quality of the models has slowly degraded.
It is a popular site for bird sightings, though in recent times the quality of the water has degraded due to roads, fertilizers and other reasons.
Other studies showed that quality of response degraded toward the end of long surveys.