Its primary goal is to provide quality instruction to pursue the goals of Secondary Education as a link to tertiary level.
Faculty provide quality instruction as they bring leading-edge science and technology into the classroom.
Technology is integrated into each of the pathways in numerous ways, providing high quality instruction.
In contrast, there is every reason to support a public university that provides quality instruction to undereducated students and to immigrants of limited English proficiency.
The reasoning is that because students from four military services attend, each service insists that they have at least one representative to ensure quality instruction.
"We are offering them quality instruction, and offering suggestions to make their futures a lot clearer."
Faculty members maintain that lower teaching loads make for higher quality instruction.
This move was aimed to accelerate efforts in supporting quality instruction and high level research and development.
Jack got quality instruction from the very start.
Americans pride themselves on their commitment to access to education, but access can be a hollow promise if it is not supported by quality instruction.