In the 2005 initial quality survey, for example, the Hyundai brand ranked just above Honda.
The consulting firm's 1993 initial quality survey, based on responses from more than 33,000 new owners, examined defects in 12 key problem areas.
This year, Hyundai's sales have had double-digit increases, and the brand has snagged top spots on quality surveys.
A new e-mail quality survey is helping him spot problem motels sooner, he said.
Having fewer suppliers reduces their overhead, because for each supplier, it's necessary to do inspections, quality surveys and a lot of paper work.
As if that were not enough, you had to list the quality survey that shows the Japanese on top again.
In our quality surveys, those same companies typically rank below average.
Two new quality surveys seem to be saying that, too.
In this regard, the administration will be conducting a quality survey on the service being given to Members.
The initial quality survey is only one measure of success, if a well publicized one promoted loudly in industry advertisements.